Played 35 Blitz games174681
No note yet
Member since 25 Jun 2020
Game completion rate: 97%
Time spent playing: 9 hours and 2 minutes
Time on TV: 11 minutes
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #11 (top 8%) with 34 games in 9 этап кубка ФШМ
Played 59 Blitz games16659
Competed in 2 tournaments
Ranked #14 (top 15%) with 29 games in 4 отборочный этап к нокауту
Ranked #13 (top 16%) with 30 games in 3 отборочный этап к нокауту
Played 33 Blitz games16569
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #31 (top 25%) with 33 games in 8 этап кубка ФШМ
Played 32 Blitz games1665104
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #9 (top 10%) with 32 games in 1 отборочный этап к нокауту
Played 30 Blitz games156161
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #54 (top 32%) with 30 games in 3 Командный Кубок Москвы
Joined 1 team